Particpate in Separating Families Research – AIFS

The Australian Institute of Family Studies appears to be initiating a regular study into separating families and are currently undertaking interviews via Roy Morgan Research.  Roy Morgan Research on 1800 000 293 or email Over the last 20 years we at MRA have heard from many fathers and their relatives, detailing their horrific experiences

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AIFS Survey – recently separated families

Executive summary This report presents the key findings from the Survey of Recently Separated Families (SRSP) 2012. This study examined the experiences of 6,119 parents who separated between 31 July 2010 and 31 December 2011. The research, commissioned and funded by AGD, focuses on parents whose main use of family law system services occurred around

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Abbott Government to Launch Inquiry Investigating Domestic Violence Policy

Thanks to Fathers4Equality for this important release about another Government inquiry. Not much time allowed to prepare a response as closing date is 31 July 2014.     Hot on the heals of the current Child Support Inquiry being held in Parliament, on the 26 June 2014, the Abbott government agreed to another Inquiry related to family law,

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In Australia, More of the Same on Children’s Overnights from the Anti-Dad Crowd  One way or another, Jennifer McIntosh and her colleagues who oppose fathers having overnight care of their children before they reach age five just never quite seem to go away. And when they poke their heads up, they always seem to be saying the same things and those things always seem to be at

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Controversy brews over social science, fathers and family law

Law Report Thursday 3 July 2014 12:37PM Damien Carrick IMAGE: AUSTRALIAN ACADEMICS ARE UNHAPPY WITH THE WAY ENGLISH PARENTING GURU PENELOPE LEACH HAS REPRESENTED THEIR RESEARCH ABOUT CHILDREN STAYING AWAY FROM THEIR PRIMARY CAREGIVER. (SHERYL GRIFFIN/ E+) The idea that children under four should not spend any nights away from their primary attachment figure is a hotly

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Rise of the female ‘relationship terrorists’: Study finds women are more controlling and aggressive towards their partners than men

Quote: Study leader Dr Elizabeth Bates said: ‘The stereotypical popular view is still one of dominant control by men. That does occur but research over the last ten to 15 years has highlighted the fact that women are controlling and aggressive in relationships too.’ She said scientists may have to think again about the reasons for male violence against women, which previous studies said arose from ‘patriarchal values’ in which men are motivated to seek to control women’s behaviour, using violence if necessary. She said other research also looked at men in prisons and women in refuges, rather than typical members of the public.

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A SPECIAL MESSAGE TO MOMS: FOSTER YOUR DAUGHTER’S BOND WITH HER DAD POST-DIVORCE – USA Father’s Day is quickly approaching. Even in the 21st century, far too many children living in reconstructed families are suffering from being separated from their fathers or not reaping the rewards of shared parenting. What do most divorced dads want this Father’s Day? My guess is more time with their children. As the numbers

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More dads demand equal custody rights, reject child-support arrangements of yesterday – USA

Detroit Free Press    Kory Borde, 44, with his children (clockwise from top left): Cole, 11, Chance, 13, Carson, 3, and Ivy, 7. Borde divorced in 2006 and has full custody of his two sons from that marriage.  /  Kate Patterson for USA TODAY By Sharon Jayson USA TODAY Their websites send a clear

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