Lifting Blanket Restrictions                      Print Article                                                                   Big changes are afoot Down Under. And these presage changes in the U.S. and Europe as well. For the past few years, a research report issued by the office of the Australian Attorney General, with statements of its lead author, has exerted a disproportionate impact on

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Audit of CSA Objections Process

Managing child support objections An audit of the Department of Human Services’ administration of child support objections has determined it to be ‘relatively effective’ but with scope for improvement.             In his report Review of Child Support Objections, Auditor-General, Ian McPhee found the Department received 15,307 objection applications in 2012-13 and dealt with 14,032 of them.            

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McIntosh: Cat on a hot tin roof ?

  Like a cornered cat, researcher Dr. Jennifer McIntosh now has nothing to lose. Backed into a corner over the validity of her “academic” claims about child custody she is running for cover. But in this fight for her honour is it already too late ?  Is her reputation, at best, already on ‘life support’

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New Child Support Agency Inquiry

The House of Representatives Standing Committee has commenced a new inquiry into the Child Support Program at the request of the Minister for Social Services, the Hon Kevin Andrews.  The Committee has created an anonymous, online questionnaire [ ] for individuals to complete, giving anyone with an experience of the Child Support Program the opportunity to

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Banning Men from Sitting Next to Kids on Planes is Just Sexist Lunacy Aeroplanes should not become flying bastions of sexism.REUTERS Is it fair, or feasible, to combat child abuse by stopping all men sitting next to children on planes? Tracey Spicer thinks so. She’s a proud feminist and a presenter with Sky News Australia who caused controversy just a few days ago by saying “I know

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Boys’ Education – The Heat Death of Democracy

“In a Closed System, Stupidity Tends to Increase Until It Reaches a Maximum”   Long-time readers, if there is one, will notice that I have written of much of this before. I thought it worth another take               In  something called Upshot,   apparently the love child of the New York Times, I find a piece

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Warshak Paper May Influence Child Custody Decisions in Australia

The last redoubt of the anti-father crowd is being breached. Read about it here (Sydney Morning Herald, 4/28/14). For decades, the data on children’s need for fathers have been building up. Over 20 years ago, prominent family sociologist David Popenoe was able to say that some 30 years of social science information demonstrated that children

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Abbott government to launch inquiry into child support system

THE Abbott government has called for a parliamentary inquiry into how the child support system works, including links between it and the Family Court. The last Coalition government, the Howard government, held a historic parliamentary inquiry into the child custody system that led to widespread changes including “shared parenting”. The House of Representatives Standing Committee

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Movement on fathers’ overnight access

                Barriers constraining divorced fathers having their young children stay with them overnight may be lifted, with key family law organisations revising policies blocking overnight care of infants and toddlers.   The rethink follows the publication of an academic paper endorsed by 110 leading international experts challenging the policies. The paper is highly critical of

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Victorians must speak out to tackle culture of violence against women and children

  Illustration: John Spooner. Kelly Thompson, Luke Batty, Fiona Warzywoda, Indiana and Savannah – these are names that have dominated the news in recent weeks and months. They are the names of just some of those whose lives have been violently cut short in circumstances we struggle to comprehend. The confronting nature of their deaths has generated

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