The Case For Shared Parenting There is a groundswell of activity and energy swirling throughout North America as lawmakers take a closer look at shared parenting, and Canada is at the forefront. Despite the best efforts of dinosaur lawyers and jaded feminists to disparage a better model for parenting, shared parenting, also known as joint physical custody, is a

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Fill out this survey NOW! AIFS inquiry into 2011Family law, family violence changes

 AIFS inquiry into 2011Family law, family violence changes  The Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) is conducting a new survey to evaluate the impact of the Family Law Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Act 2011 (Cth) – Non-legal professionals. This AIFS survey is supposed to be for professionals. However we have filled in the survey

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Canadian University drags men’s issues group through the wringer

Barbara Kay: Ryerson drags men’s issues group through the wringer **UPDATE: Ryerson administration has confirmed that the university will be absorbing the cost of the additional security for the February 6 CAFÉ event. According to a staffer who communicated with this newspaper on Monday afternoon, after this article had been published, Ryerson president Sheldon

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High Wired update: Male studies maelstrom High Wired update: Male studies maelstrom GETTING to the truth of the men’s health course; changes afoot at Monash; and painful logo explanations. Men’s watershed: Universities in our smaller cities can develop a somewhat fractious relationship with their local media outlets. And so it was in Adelaide on the weekend when an article linked

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In Pursuit of Manly Equality Politically correct education and America’s declining industrial base have left men with ‘no models of manhood’, says Camille Paglia. Picture: Getty Images Source: Supplied  “WHAT you’re seeing is how a civilisation commits suicide,” says Camille Paglia. This self-described “notorious Amazon feminist” isn’t telling anyone to Lean In or asking Why Women Still Can’t Have

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Male domestic violence victims need more support

When_men_become_victims_of_abuse  (pdf version) Domestic violence is more common over the Christmas break, fuelled by alcohol consumption, family tension and financial issues. A small but significant number of the victims are men.   Illustration: Jamie Smetkowski Jamie*, a minister of religion in his 60s, spent his 36-year marriage “walking on egg shells”. He’d had a very

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Latest ABS Survey – 1 in 3 victims of domestic violence is male   One in three victims of domestic violence in Australia is male, according to a new report released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The ABS Personal Safety Survey 2012 collected information from men and women aged 18 years and over about their experience of violence since the age of 15. “The

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Why are so many MEN becoming victims of domestic violence? Why are so many MEN becoming victims of domestic violence? It’s one of Britain’s last remaining taboos, but abuse against men in the home is on the rise More married men suffer abuse from their spouse than married womenThese days, women move more in men’s worldsThey earn and compete with as much aggression as

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Dr Warren Farrell – Brisbane Convention Centre Friday 25 October 2013 7pm – 8.30pm

The world-wide boys’ crisis – why it is happening. . . and what can be done about it!Your invitation to a special evening with academic and top-selling authorDr WARREN FARRELL, USA  A rare opportunity to hear one of the  world ’s leading experts on what is happening globally with our young men –  and a look

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Quote:  “This comprehensive review… documents the need for gender-inclusive responsiveness to this wide-ranging public health problem. In particular, there are currently few services for male victims and the high rates of violence experienced by women and men suggests a need for treatment and intervention strategies for victims of both sexes.  In other words, the roughly

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