Empty days, lonely nights

http://www.theage.com.au/national/empty-days-lonely-nights-20140428-37e3e.html  A belief that children under three should not stay overnight with their separated or divorced father has underpinned our family law system for years. Has it all been a mistake?  Bettina Arndt reports. Across Australia, fathers are being told in mediation sessions or by lawyers that there’s no hope of overnight contact with children

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Missing the Alienation

                  Many thanks to the National Parents’ Organization in the USA for this important article highlighting the mistakes made in alienation cases. https://nationalparentsorganization.org/component/content/article/16-latest-news/21679-missing-the-alienation                   Why do mental health professionals and attorneys who evaluate or work with alienated children frequently mistake alienation for estrangement? The main reason is that cases of parental alienation are counterintuitive.  That is, the brain

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Family Law – Family Consultants

www.familylawcourts.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/FLC/Home/Publications/Family+Law+Courts+publications/Family+Consultants Family Consultants [PDF – File Size 74 KB – View][RTF – File Size 20 KB – Download][Word – File Size 32 KB – Download] This fact sheet explains the role of family consultants in cases about children. Who are family consultants?Family consultants are psychologists and/or social workers who specialise in child and family issues after separation and

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USA – Study finds large gender disparities in federal criminal cases

www.law.umich.edu/newsandinfo/features/Pages/starr_gender_disparities.aspx Prof. Starr’s research shows large unexplained gender disparities in federal criminal cases16 November 2012 If you’re a criminal defendant, it may help – a lot – to be a woman. At least, that’s what Prof. Sonja Starr’s research on federal criminal cases suggests. Prof. Starr’s recent paper, “Estimating Gender Disparities in Federal Criminal Cases,”

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Domestic violence study ‘flawed’ say men’s health advocates

Men’s Rights Agency is a signatory to this formal complaint and wishes to thank  Men’s Health Australia for their efforts in detailing a thorough and comprehensive list of problems associated with the online survey. A link is included to the letter of complaint below.  http://www.menshealthaustralia.net/content/domestic-violence-study-flawed-say-mens-health-advocates.html A national coalition of men’s health advocates has made a

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Washington Dad Awarded $9 Million in False Sexual Abuse Case

  https://www.nationalparentsorganization.org/recent-articles?id=21654 It’s taken almost 30 years, but justice has finally come to Clyde Ray Spencer. On February 3rd, a jury in federal court in Tacoma, Washington awarded him $9 million for the malicious denial of his civil rights by police officers and prosecutors there. Here’s the latest (The National Trial Lawyers, 3/26/14). And here’s

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Working women must stop blaming men for their troubles, says Sunrise presenter Natalie Barr who has ‘never been discriminated against’

http://m.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/working-women-must-stop-blaming-men-for-their-troubles-says-sunrise-presenter-natalie-barr-who-has-never-been-discriminated-against/story-fni0cwl5-1226859496003?sv=ba2922c31a105b017e7b8af16ddfe347 369 comments Natalie Barr, pictured out on location, gives a no-holds-barred account of her career path – and life as a working mother. Picture: Channel 7. Source: Channel 7 Sunrise star gives honest account of her career Reveals tough decisions made as a mother Shouldn’t be a case of ‘us’ and ‘them’ with men

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Don’t kid yourself, Cate Blanchett – women are no longer a ‘niche’

The Oscar winner is guilty of triumphal whingeing in her acceptance speech  –    and what’s more, she’s wrong: women have never had it so good in Hollywood Keep it real, Cate Blanchett Photo: Rex Features   “Forty-five seconds,” Jared Leto lamented at a party the night before his   Best Supporting Oscar win on Sunday. “That’s all

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FAMILY LAW: The innocent victims of ‘no-fault’ divorce

The “no-fault” divorce revolution that spread across the Western world was led in the 1970s by members of the cultural, academic, legal and political elites, in particular by radical feminists who made the case for easy divorce as a means of women’s liberation. By declaring marriage to be an oppressive institution, they demanded “no fault”

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