It’s not all wrapped up yet, but a big gift is arriving for divorced dads who want equal time with their kids. Launched in early May and already claiming a broad spectrum of members across the United States and Canada, a new advocacy group is determined to finally make equally shared parenting a reality.

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UK Family law sell-out of the nation’s dads and their children

Eye-opening summary of the shameful UK family law sell-out by Robert Franklin  Family court judges have wide discretionary powers in disputed cases about children. They cannot but bring to their judgements their own overt and covert value systems.  Ask any judge, lawyer, mediator, or therapist, and they will have their particular bias on this emotionally

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Petition to support Men’s Health funding in NSW

          The peak national forum promoting a social approach to male health and wellbeing       CLICK ON THIS LINK BELOW TO SIGN THE PETITION https://www.change.org/petitions/the-hon-jillian-skinner-mp-request-that-mhirc-s-funding-should-be-renewed?utm_campaign=mailto_link&utm_medium=email&utm_source=share_petition Please sign the above petition to support MHIRC and men’s health in NSW… I am writing this letter on behalf of the Men and Vulnerable Families Sector Development

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Why the Left hates families

MELANIE PHIILLIPS reveals how the selfish sneers of Guardianistas made her see how the Left actively fosters – and revels in – family breakdown… Comments (306) Share Melanie Phillips reveals how her father’s failings showed her the toxic legacy of inadequate parents, and how she fights the Left, not from ‘the Right’, but on its

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Dream family ends in tragedy in Canada

Quote #1: Justice Michelle Crighton had to decide if she had the intent required to be convicted of murder. Her ex-husband argued she did. Forensic computer analyst Dwayne Pilling told the court Allyson McConnell had typed into a search engine on her computer “How long does it take to drown?”, “How long does it take to die from strangulation?”, “electrocution by hair dryer in bathtub” and “How long can you go without food and water?” In a second bathroom at the home, police found a plugged-in hair dryer and another appliance in a bathtub filled with water. A rope was found hanging from a ceiling post with a chair underneath. … On April 20 last year Justice Crighton found her guilty of manslaughter, but not guilty of second-degree murder because there was enough “reasonable doubt that she had the specific intent to kill her children”.
I wonder if the judge would have had less doubt if the father had been the murderer?!!
Quote #2: Allyson McConnell’s case was reviewed by Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada on Friday and, unless a late decision is made, she is expected to be on a plane to Sydney on Monday. Mr McConnell fears his ex-wife could kill again in Australia. “Will anyone there know about the murders she committed here?” he asked. “Being only 34 years old, will she start a new family and have another child in her care?”

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Fair play for divorced dads

http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2013/04/03/barbara-kay-fair-play-for-divorced-dads/ Time spent with fathers is highly correlated with positive outcomes for children of broken marriages. Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin has commissioned a report aimed at overhauling Canada’s family-law system. Its recommendations, which will be officially released later this month, reportedly include strategies for streamlining the legal process, encouraging mediation and reducing litigation.

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The dad effect: Why dads are as important as mums

While the mother-child bond is indisputable, increasingly research is showing that dads, too, have a huge impact on their kids – and vice-versa. Of course, it makes sense that today’s fathers should be found to be at least equally as influential as mothers, yet it’s tended to be mums who’ve got all the credit, or,

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Domestic abuse: Our male-victimizing myths live on

http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2013/03/27/barbara-kay-our-male-victimizing-myths-live-on/  Twenty years ago Earl Silverman of Calgary, fleeing his home to escape violence from his abusive wife, had no refuge to take shelter in. There were plenty of shelters for women victims of domestic abuse, but for men the only publicly funded services were for anger management. The message was clear to Silverman: “As

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Defeated dads

 http://m.smh.com.au/executive-style/culture/blogs/all-men-are-liars/defeated-dads-20130326-2grz8.html Watched a beautiful little film recently titled For Ellen that made me cry more than any movie has in 20 years. It stars Paul Dano, who played that irritating preacher kid Eli Sunday in There Will Be Blood and it’s the kind of role that makes you want to hug the actor. For Ellen

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Women: hitting your man is not cute; it’s abuse

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/9930142/Women-hitting-your-man-is-not-cute-its-abuse.html A new US survey indicates that young women are three times as likely to admit hitting their partner than men, but the normalisation of intimate violence is a disturbing trend with miserable implications for both genders, argues Jennifer O’Mahony The scene will be familiar to anyone who has sat through a Hollywood romcom-by-numbers. A

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