Family Court unable to say who paid for lewd comedy act at Family Court national conference

EDITORIAL: Families need action in courts FAMILY Court Chief Justice Diana Bryant has made an awkward apology for hiring a comedy act that performed a lewd routine at a national law conference. THE Family Court has been unable to say who paid for a lewd comedy act that offended senior judges at its national conference.

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Friends with benefits ‘not a relationship’  A judge has ruled that a man and woman living together for 14 years as housemates and ‘friends with benefits’ did not have a defacto relationship. Source: Getty Images HAVING regular sex with a housemate does not mean you’re in a “relationship” – even if it last a decade, a WA judge has ruled. 

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Hundreds of parents banned from overseas travel over unpaid child support

CSA Departure Prohibition Order overturned
….But the Men’s Rights Agency demanded the government abolish travel bans.
“They treat fathers worse than they treat criminals in this country,” director Sue Price said.
Fathers make up 86 per cent of parents paying child support.

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Custody win for sperm donor father

  Picture: Hornby Scott Source: The Daily Telegraph A SPERM donor who secretly fathered two girls in two Australian states four years apart will raise his eldest daughter and have sole rights to decide where she goes to school after winning a bitter custody dispute. The 47-year-old father’s identity is protected under the Family Law

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Media Watch on biased reporting -Italian girls return to father

  Watch Media Watch’s (Episode 37) view re Courier Mail’s reporting on the Italian girls from last night ABC TV: The full transcript for the Media Watch coverage of “A private dispute turned national spectacular” can be accessed here: But let’s move the focus to Queensland, and a distressing family court case which has

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Youth worker Les Twentyman said all-girl gangs were attacking people across Melbourne, particularly in the north and western suburbs, where girls aged 13 to 16 years were forming violent gangs.
“It’s not sugar and spice and all things nice any more,” he said.
“It’s hard-edge stuff. I saw it was an issue in the United States. Here, they’ve been rolling people coming out of the casino.”

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Dad wins battle to live overseas A DEADBEAT dad who didn’t pay child support for years has won a battle to live overseas. Malcolm Kenyon, 68, owes $17,000 in child support for his son, now 33, and $35,000 in unpaid maintenance. In September 2007 Mr Kenyon was banned from leaving the country until he paid but took his case to

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One father’s fight for gender-neutral justice

Variations on these injustices fill the family court literature. Stats Canada does not keep separate tabs on custody-linked suicides. But Australia, a country much like our own in this regard, does — and there are about 20 hardship-related suicides a week.

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Romney” Two parents, not gun control, will change ‘culture of violence’

“We need moms and dads helping raise kids wherever possible,” Romney explained. “The benefit of having two parents in the home — ……… Because if there is a two parent family, the prospect of living in poverty goes down dramatically.

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