Another women who kills almost walks free

Sentencing of Catherine Therese Collyer sends poor message to other victims   Catherine Therese Collyer (left) leaves the Supreme Court with a friend. Pic: Chris Mangan Source: AdelaideNow WOMEN’S groups are outraged at the jailing of a woman who killed her abusive partner in self-defence, calling it “madness” and a step backward for victims. They

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Govt chases dad over one cent CSA debt

A CALOUNDRA father-of-three feels guilty that taxpayers’ money has been wasted by the Federal Government in a 10-month quest to chase up an outstanding debt he has of just one cent. Orhan Dilbaz went to the Caloundra Post Office in November last year to settle a Child Support Agency invoice of $4954.21. He paid with

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Family Court orders children’s return to Italy – Mother’s uncontrolled behaviour causes havoc for children

  LIKE many Australians, Sue Price was appalled by this week’s harrowing footage of an international custody dispute playing out at Brisbane Airport. While most public criticism has centred on the Family Court and Australian Federal Police for forcing four sisters to return to Italy against their will, the Men’s Rights Agency director has set

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Australian embassy in Rome helped girls flee to Australia

Traumatic: The mother of four sisters involved in an international custody dispute is comforted by a friend (left) at Brisbane International Airport as her girls are escorted onto a plane. Picture: Eddie Norbido Source: Supplied THE four sisters who were taken through Brisbane International Airport by AFP officers trying to put them on a flight

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Four Girls Put on Planes to Italy – excitement over the four daughters of the Italian father and Australian mother is over, at least the part in Australia. In the wee hours of the morning after Australian Judge Colin Forest ordered them returned to their father in Italy, the four were forcibly put on two separate airplanes at Brisbane International Airport bound

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Advocacy group backs order to send girls back to Italy

The World Today Video: Anguish as custody case sisters leave Brisbane(7pm TV News QLD) Related Story: Sisters in custody dispute leave Australia Related Story: Father relieved daughters returning to Italy Related Story: Court orders sisters to return to Italy   Map: QLD Despite distressing scenes of a mother screaming for her children at Brisbane’s international

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Happy marriage a cure for all ills, Lib MP says

MARRIAGE can help prevent cancer. It is the best chance of fulfilment in life and divorcing parents should be encouraged to reconcile, says a book by the MP who could become Australia’s next families minister. Senior Liberal MP Kevin Andrews has rated the breakdown of marriage and the family a greater threat to the western

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Sisters ordered back to Italy

 The mother of four girls at the heart of a custody dispute arrives at court today. Photo: Harrison Saragossi UPDATE A Family Court judge has ordered four sisters involved in an international custody dispute be returned toItaly”as soon as practicable”. Justice Colin Forrest took six days to consider his judgment, having previously told the concerned

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Men are victims of domestic violence

Men ARE victims of domestic and personal violence. Some years ago, John Bailey, an Art Director with McCann Worldgroup Indonesia was so moved by the plight of men who are victims of domestic violence he designed 3 press advertisements and 1- 30 second television commercial portraying men as victims of domestic violence. Sydney photographers, models and make-up

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Industry CEO complains to Qantas and Virgin

The Qantas policy appears to promote a message that men cannot be trusted when children are involved and your organisation from its public response seems ambivalent to the notion that there is this clear link in this concept. The perception from outside is that the company has merely applied some damage control to the issue in the hope that it may just go away.

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