What are fathers for? – Michael Lamb

Policy makers have had the advantage of more than 70 years of fatherhood research to inform their legislative decisions. It is time to act on this accumulated wisdom. Posted by Yuri Joakimidis, Thanks to Yuri and the Shared Parenting Information Group UK http://www.spig.clara.net/ippr/lamb.htm Michael Lamb Speaking at the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) Conference ‘Men

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Shared Parenting Research – Must Read

 Yuri Joakimides has once again produced an extremely useful listing for those dads who are facing a negative response to the suggestion of shared parenting. Thanks Yuri. Recently published must read shared parenting research that lays to rest the most common claims made by those who seek to eliminate or marginalize fathers in the lives

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Why Did He Kill All Those Children?

http://www.eagleforum.org/publications/column/why-did-he-kill-all-those-children.html  The idea for massacring children in an elementary school or shooting up a mall filled with Christmas shoppers does not come from reading books, watching movies, or listening to music. Does the incitement for such unspeakable acts come from hours of role-playing violent video games? As we speculate on what was going on in

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Father knows best as single dads tackle the other glass ceiling

  Dads’ group members Don Crinson (left) with son Merlin and James Vincent with daughter Ashley. Photo: James Boddington CHARLES Areni was shopping alone in a city department store between Monday meetings when he realised he was being watched. His three-year-old daughter Jacqueline was running low on underwear and he had stopped in to buy

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The Newtown, Connecticut Shooter: The Conversation You Won’t See Anywhere Else

After our tears dry for the twenty little darlings and seven others who were mowed down by Adam Lanza, we begin to ask “Why?” There is always a dominant narrative to explain the unthinkable. Now it is mostly about the absence of effective gun controls, or about mental illness. Or, we hear about the effects

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‘Drama queen’ wife loses custody case

A MOTHER who claimed her husband had been sexually abusing himself in front of their three children has lost custody of them. A detective who investigated the claims said in a confidential email that the mother was “a drama queen who is out to get her ex-husband”. Police and child protection authorities had found the

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Embassy set up Italian airlift

  OFFICIALS at the Australian embassy in Italy — helping an Australian mother abduct her four girls — made last-minute flight changes in order to avoid detection by their Italian father, Channel Nine’s 60 Minutes claimed last night. The woman fled with her four Italian-born children to Australia from custody arrangements with her ex-husband in

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CSA/SSAT challenged in court – funds needed

FUNDS URGENTLY NEEDED! A very brave man and his partner have decided enough is enough. The treatment doled out by CSA and SSAT have driven them to take court action to challenge the decisions made. The solicitor acting for Mr Parkins, (a pseudonym) writes: (Read his full report here) “It is therefore in cases such

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CSA/SSAT challenge summary

 (Names have been changed to comply with the legal requirement of non-identification) Read the following summary from the solictor who is acting for Mr Parkins in thiis matter.  The text below extends beyond Mr Parkins circumstances directly by analogy and example. However, given your Association’s charter, there is I believe relevance to your objects and for this reason wish

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Child Support Agency routinely breaching the human rights of fathers (UK)

  In a robust judgement sure to cause consternation, the Court of Appeal has condemned the Child Support Agency (CSA) for “obnoxious” and “unreasonable” legal failings in threatening fathers with jail without giving them the right to defend themselves. Sitting with the Lords Justice Patten and Richards, Lord Justice Ward said: “The procedures adopted do

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