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No justice for men

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Fathers/Husbands have no rights in Victoria. My ex has been violent for almost a year toward me and the kids, cheating, lying and blame shifting but with her help of her family always got away with it. 
Hitting the kids and when they spoke up to the school councillors, children words meant nothing. All she had to do was make false statement against me, but this is where it gets worse. Child protection while state the children spoke very positively about the father and negatively about mom, still concluded the father was violent towards the kids for the whole life. 

All lawyers suggested a man cannot win, there is nothing to help a man. There is nothing a father who with evidence and witness could do. 

Fathers have no right here, children views matter nothing. Cheating is fine but raising concerns on ongoing cheating and family violence by men is a crime.

Advice for men do not trust e


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