Its been a few years since I was last on this forum. 2019 I separated from my wife, then the following occurred:
- She attacked me, it was caught on video, QPS issued a DV Order against her.
- 3 days later, she lodges private DV Orders, I get Ousted from our home which was also my place of business.
- 6 months later, we do the divorce settlement, I give her funds to pay cash for a house, she gets kids 66%.
- 2021, I lodge back in Family Court seeking 100% care of kids due to her ongoing false allegations against me and general mischief making.
- 2024, Family Court Order me 100% care of kids. Psyc report indicates sexual abuse of children which her present, her coaching kids etc. Pychiatrist report indicates mental health concerns.
My losses as a result of the above, which includes over 60 appearances in both DV & Family Courts, is now in the 7 figures.
Our kids now have complex mental health issues and will require therapy for some years to come, which I will have to fund.
Looks like Final Hearing will occur in Feb 2025, unsure yet if I will be awarded costs.
Wondering if I can sue her for damages incurred?
Would love to sue the DV Court Magistrates and/or Qld government due to harm they caused to both myself and the kids, but I expect that would go no where.