It’s High Time Columbia’s Mattress Girl Was Discredited

by Mona Charen August 4, 2017 4:00 AM Sulkowicz at Columbia in 2014 (image via YouTube) Settling a lawsuit filed by the male student she accused of raping her, the university says he was ‘found not responsible.’If you haven’t heard of the “mattress girl,” it’s not for lack of trying among liberal opinion-shapers. Emma Sulkowicz,

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Boys won’t be boys

V In the Oxford dictionary, the word ‘erasure’ is defined as: The act of removing or destroying something. (Synonyms of erasure include deletion, rubbing out, wiping off or wiping out). We hear about black erasure, bi erasure, trans erasure and female erasure. Yet we don’t hear about the erasure of men. The mere suggestion of

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Unis urged: freedom of speech more important than people’s feelings

  Columnist Bettina Arndt is confronted by protesters at La Trobe University earlier this month. Picture: David Geragh LEGAL AFFAIRS EDITOR @ChrisMerrittc 12:00AM September 18, 2018 311 Comments Former High Court chief justice Robert French has warned universities face the risk of legislative intervention unless they provide a robust defence of free speech on campus.

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No decent campus curtails the free exchange of ideas

No decent campus curtails the free exchange of ideas 12:00AM September 19, 2018 10 Comments Justice French, we concur: universities are the last places where freedom of speech should be suppressed so readily. In an address reported yesterday, former High Court chief justice Robert French hints the attempt to shut down politically inconvenient speech on

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Who is Harassing Whom?

Dr. Richard A. Warshak At some point in nearly every case of a child’s severe estrangement from a parent, the child and the parent with whom she is aligned label the other parent’s attempts to reach out to the child as “harassment.” The child rebuffs phone calls, texts, emails, greeting cards, invitations, even gifts. Not

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Labor ‘dragging out’ family court reform

Attorney-General Christian Porter has accused Labor of dragging out an inquiry into the government’s family courts restructure for political purposes. Exclusive Attorney-General Christian Porter has accused Labor of dragging out an inquiry into the government’s family courts restructure for political purposes, which are “not at all in the best interest of Australian families”. In a

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Merging family courts before review is to put the cart before the horse

By Morry Bailes 12:00AM September 14, 2018 1 Comment Australia’s family court system is under unprecedented stress. Chronic underfunding for more than a decade has led to a court system that continually struggles to serve the growing number of vulnerable people who need it. The breadth and complexity of the issues dealt with by the

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Lawyers call for judges’ watchdog

Judicial Complaints Push Judges are reportedly supportive of the creation of a federal system for dealing with complaints. EXCLUSIVE 12:00AM September 15, 2018 The group representing the ­nation’s judges has backed calls for a federal judicial commission to handle complaints against federal judges, saying it would promote public confidence in the courts. Attorney-General Christian Porter

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Nagging as a Feminist Discipline

Nagging as a Feminist Discipline More women are being charged with domestic violence, a development those who have long argued that equality of outcome matters more than equal opportunity might have been expected to applaud. But no, none of that from the champions of perpetual female victimhood The discrimination industry seems to dwell in a

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Latest news from Campus Fake Rape Tour and verdict in Rob Tiller’s unfair dismissal case.

From: Bettina Arndt Sent: Monday, 10 September 2018 8:37 AM To: Bettina Arndt Subject: Latest news from Campus Fake Rape Tour and verdict in Rob Tiller’s unfair dismissal case.   Hi Everyone, We are still recovering from all the excitement last week. For those of you who missed the publicity about the La Trobe event,

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